

adjective dis·tract \di-ˈstrakt, ˈdis-ˌtrakt\

Definition of DISTRACT

:  insane, mad

First Known Use of DISTRACT

14th century


verb dis·tract \di-ˈstrakt\

: to cause (someone) to stop thinking about or paying attention to someone or something and to think about or pay attention to someone or something else instead

: to take (attention) away from someone or something

Full Definition of DISTRACT

transitive verb
a :  to turn aside :  divert <refused to be distracted from her purpose>
b :  to draw or direct (as one's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time <was distracted by a sudden noise>
:  to stir up or confuse with conflicting emotions or motives
dis·tract·i·bil·i·ty \-ˌstrak-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun
dis·tract·ible also dis·tract·able \-ˈstrak-tə-bəl\ adjective
dis·tract·ing·ly \-tiŋ-lē\ adverb

Origin of DISTRACT

Middle English, from Latin distractus, past participle of distrahere, literally, to draw apart, from dis- + trahere to draw
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of DISTRACT

puzzle, perplex, bewilder, distract, nonplus, confound, dumbfound mean to baffle and disturb mentally. puzzle implies existence of a problem difficult to solve <the persistent fever puzzled the doctor>. perplex adds a suggestion of worry and uncertainty especially about making a necessary decision <a behavior that perplexed her friends>. bewilder stresses a confusion of mind that hampers clear and decisive thinking <a bewildering number of possibilities>. distract implies agitation or uncertainty induced by conflicting preoccupations or interests <distracted by personal problems>. nonplus implies a bafflement that makes orderly planning or deciding impossible <the remark left us utterly nonplussed>. confound implies temporary mental paralysis caused by astonishment or profound abasement <the tragic news confounded us all>. dumbfound suggests intense but momentary confounding; often the idea of astonishment is so stressed that it becomes a near synonym of astound <was at first too dumbfounded to reply>.
DISTRACT[1] Defined for Kids


verb dis·tract \di-ˈstrakt\

Definition of DISTRACT for Kids

:  to draw a person's thoughts or attention to something else <The TV distracts me when I'm studying.>

Word Root of DISTRACT

The Latin word tractus, meaning pulled or dragged, gives us the root tract. Words from the Latin tractus have to do with being pulled or dragged. To attract is to pull or draw towards you. To distract is to pull someone's attention away from something. To extract is to pull one thing out of another. To subtract is to pull a portion or number away from a group or from a whole.


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